Friday, March 14, 2008


This one of the moon and drilling rig I haven't decided whether I like or not... or whether it's a good "Sky Watch" picture, since you can't technically see the sky...

(these pictures aren't near as good as the daffodil pics in the previous two posts... but I had nothing this morning! I had taken some a few nights ago, and for some reason they were all blurry...)


SandyCarlson said...

I think it's a great sky watch! The whole image tells the story of a beautiful day. God bless.

Carole said...

I love it! The meadowlark seems to be basking in the sun.

Anita said...


The meadowlarks just recently came back... one sure sign of spring in Kansas! :) I love to hear them... I made a video of just a few seconds of their singing, but for some reason I can't seem to get Blogger to load it... :(

Daniel J Santos said...

Excellent sky watch, well done.

Anita said...

Thank you!

Dottie said...

I love anything that includes a bird. I think it's great!

Anita said...

It seems I've been taking a lot of birds lately... most of my photos are barns, abandoned houses, rusty things and trees... lol

Tom said...

I like both these... never seen a Meadowlark before so thats a big bonus for me. As for the moon shot and the rigs.. I love it and would have been pleased to have took this. You've got to have been Sky Watching to get the moon so that counts ha!..

Have a great weekend

Rune Eide said...

The moon and the drilling rig was a very interesting composition. In the moon is not to be considered Sky Watch - what is?

IMHO, one should have a very liberal interpretation of the term "Sky watch", otherwise all pictures would look the same and the theme would loose its quality.

Daryl said...

love that bird .. its hard to make out the rig but then nite shots are never easy ...

Anita said...

All I could see from that distance were the lights anyway... lol

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Two very interesting views!


Berit T said...

Very beautiful photo!!

DeeMom said...

Beautiful pictures, the Meadowlark is adorable

Anonymous said...

Amazing how the meadowlark appears!
And great colours also.

Pernille said...

I just love it!!! The last one is amazing!
have a nice weekend:)

Anita said...

Thanks everyone! :)

Petunia said...

Love the first one!

Leslie: said...

I think this is great - an unusual and unique way of looking at the sky. Don't think I've ever seen anyone else do a night sky like this. Well done! :D

Anonymous said...

I wondered what kind of bird it was. Meadowlarks are very pretty.

As far as the black sky, we are seeing it. That's exactly what it looks like. So I say, well done!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Thanks for the comment!


ArneA said...

The first is excellent, but the last?
Have a photographic Easter

Misty DawnS said...

Great Sky Watch post! I've noticed the Meadowlarks sitting on the fence posts out here too, but as soon as I get within distance for a photo, they fly away. I just love their bright yellow bellies!

Both of your photos are great!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Amazing photos! Well done!

Have a nice Sunday!

bj said...

Are you kidding me? This is a FABULOUS picture. And, it couldn't be more about the sky!! It IS the sky. I love it....

Anita said...

Thank you! It's almost impossible to get a night shot in the country now without a drilling rig in it, the way the price of oil is! :)

Anita said...

Rick worked in the oilfield for years and years... he's done everything but be a "company man"... lol

Luiz Santilli Jr said...


I linked your blog in BOA LEITURA:


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