This was our bathroom after the tornado... lots of the roof and part of a tree... I also had a picture of a bedroom we had been using as a storage room, it only had two walls left, but all the boxes of stuff were still inside... totally ruined by rain of course, but still there... two of the posts of the 4-poster bed that was in that room were broken off, too... But I decided to use this photo only, so as not to disturb the "one pic" police! :D LOL...
This isn't really odd, compared to the usual tornado damage, but I tried to find something this week to take a picture of that was odd and couldn't find anything!!
Odd Shots originates at Katney's Kaboodle...
Yikes, this is sad.
I'm glad we had a basement... in the tub is one place they say to hide if you haven't got a shelter or basement... wouldn't have worked in this one!!
Odd, but horrible! Seeing your home like that must have been heart-breaking.
It was a shock, to say the least! I went through a period after that where I didn't want to replace anything... if all we have can be taken in a few minutes, why bother having it?
It has changed the way I look at things, that's for sure...
Gosh ... I wouldn´t want to be in your shoes at that moment ... must have been awful!
Believe it or not, while we were huddled in the basement listening to the house being torn apart, I had such an incredible calm... Angels protecting us, I'm sure...
Well it is a odd shot as that is something that one should never have to go thru. I am just happy to know that you all came out ok We don't have Tornado's here so have never been thru it
There have been so many people in the last year go through tornadoes in places that don't usually see tornadoes... You are lucky to be in a place that never has them!
When I was a kid I was terrified of tornadoes. We live in an area that gets them occasionally, so I feel lucky to have not experienced it before. I'm very sorry for the loss of your house, but I am glad that you and your family are ok.
Thank you!
We are going to be still living in this FEMA trailer during tornado season this year, and THAT scares me! I hope we don't get any severe weather this year... we had enough last year!
Hope that's an odd shot that you will never have to deal with again.
(BTW, this ODD shots "police" is out of business after the originator broke her own rule. I think she should have stated that if more than one odd shot, it has to be related and taken at the same time. That would have worked for me. I just wanted to use the snow footprints that were so different in one post and was told no. You and others won't get any more chiding from me as I have officially retired from the "police force.")
Odd, but horrible!
Oh, Anitq, it may not be all that odd, but it is purely miraculous that you have survived and in such great spirits. I'll take that over odd any day.
that is just horrible! sorry for what happened to your home...good thing nothing bad happened to you...
Sorry to know you suffered through a tornado. Not nice. Unfortunately, the weather will keep on getting worse I am told.
On a light note...
Find out why their mommas swooned looking at the pictures, and stuffed crisp $10,000.00 bills into my shorts and hung the keys to a Smart car on my ear. Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
This tornado destroyed 95% of my hometown of Greensburg, Kansas on May 4, 2007... We're building back better than ever as a 'green' town...
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