Sunday, February 24, 2008

Late Photo Hunters post...


Katney said...

Oh, I just the other day told my hubby that I wanted to drive around and take pictures of barns. Maybe I'll start today. Nice one. Welcome to Photo Hunt (I could have started with that.) and se eyou next week.

Anita said...

Barns and abandoned houses are my favorite thing to photograph! :)

Thanks - this should be fun!!

david mcmahon said...

G'day Anita,

The best barn none. That is the sort of shot I'd love to take.

(Thanks for the visit and the great comment on my Odd Shots photo).

Anita said...

Thank you!

Barns and abandoned houses are my favorite thing to photograph...

Anita said...

Of all the barn pics I've taken, my favorite is here:

jenny said...

Really interesting barn shot! Looks like it's got some stories to tell, too.

ancient one said...

Hi, I love old barns!! That is a spectacular shot! Love it!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow that is a great old barn, wonder what history it could tell

Anita said...

Thanks! I'd love to hear what it had to say...

Andrea said...

Beautiful capture of the barn.

Kerri Farley said...

Wow! This is FANTASTIC!! Great image!!!!

Dragonstar said...

That shot is excellent in every way! I love it.

Anita said...

Thanks, guys!

I've said it before - Photography is what I do to keep my sanity... the fact that others enjoy my photos is a major plus!! :)

Katney said...

I came back for another visit. I posted barn pictures the other day. None are as good as yours.

Diane said...

What a great shot Anita~I really like old falling down barns and buildings. Old bricks, martar, wood and crusted-over stone fasinates me and draws me in like a magnet.

Anita said...

Thanks, Katney, and Diane... Katney, I enjoyed your barn pics!
Diane - I think you and I can both feel the energy of those who worked for generations in these places... It's the energy that draws me in... Oldl houses, too - although I took some pics of an old house the other day, and every time I look at this one picture of one of the windows I get queasy and my eyes start watering and I feel very sick... THere is something WRONG with that old house...

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