Friday, February 22, 2008

The sky as reflected in the blue of a morning glory....


Anne said...

... and here in Norway its cold and snow :-(((

Beautiful as usual.

Nice weekwend for you.

Anonymous said...

I actually took this last summer... I didn't have anything from this week to post!!
Thank you... Hope your weekend is wonderful, too!

Carole said...

I am so impressed with the clarity of the colors in this shot. It is beautiful.

Andrea said... clear and such beautiful color. Gorgeous shot.

Garden Angel said...


Anita said...


Tom said...

Beautiful Morning Glory... or shall we now call it a 'Dawn' Glory... ha!

Anita said...

:) Thanks!

quintarantino said...

... so it is, so it is!

HildeS/Frøken Fryd said...

What a beautiful flower:)

Pernille said...

Wonderful flower:)

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Anita,
This is a great skywatch, I love the Blue colours of this flower!

Watch the DUTCH sky on my blog,
Greetings JoAnn from Holland

Kerri Farley said...

Wow.....I LOVE this shot! The colors are so vibrant! Makes me long for Spring :)

Anita said...

Thank you! Me too... I'm so tired of the cold!

Daniel J Santos said...

Beautiful, fantastic colors, well done.

Angie said...

That is absolutely beautiful! I would love to see your slide show when you do make one.I use photobucket.I was talking to a friend recently about books on computing and he said the one he has is computing for idiots.Photobucket's slide show thingy is making a slide show for idiots which is probably just as well in my case lol.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

my morning glory are never so blue as that wow

Anita said...

This morning glory came up voluntarily after being planted by the tornado that destroyed 95% of our whole town in May 2007...

I use photobucket a lot for photos, and for a few videos that I've done, but I've never posted a slide show! I'll have to try it... :)

Anonymous said...

Oh what a stunning photograph! Well done...

Anita said...

Thank you!

Daryl said...

WHOA! Great shot.

BTW did the magazines make it?

Anita said...


Sorry, yes they did! I love them - the food ones are SO TEMPTING!! I think I'll share them with my skinny sister... heh-heh... :)

Thank you so much!! :)

Michele said...

Oh, this is so pretty. I cannot wait for flowers to start growing.

Lori said...


Thanks for your comment on my Sky Watch. I was thrilled to see another Kansan!

I wrote a post about last year's tornado and thought you may be interested. You can find it at: (or it may be easier to go to: then go to "Building Hope" at the left underneath the cat on the post pic.

I admire your wonderful courage, knowing that it could happen to any of us at any time.

The morning glory is fantastic, by the way!!

Blessings to you!


Anita said...

Lori - It was a beautiful post, thank you so much... We have all, here in Greensburg, been amazed by the kindness of others...

I KNEW you had to be from Kansas - Your SWF today could not have been anywhere else!! :D

Yolanda said...

Anita, so pretty and such gorgeous color.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great shot of the morning glory they are so beautiful

Anita said...

Thanks everyone...

They are my second favorite flower...
1. Gallardia
2. blue morning glories
3. Liv Tyler roses
4. Pale pink peonies
5. Sunflowers
An the list goes on! :)

dot said...

Oh my, what a beauty!!

Petunia said...

So nice! Beautiful - so clear blue!

FO - 2 said...

Lovely flower, stunning colour and a very good shot! :)

Craver Vii said...

Wow. I've tried pictures like that, but the subject seems to always be at least a little blurry. Beautiful!

Dick said...

Beautiful, clear and colorful picture.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! What vivid colors!

Rune Eide said...

highly original and very beautiful!

Anita said...

Thank you all very much!

My inexpensive little Fujifilm camera does an amazing job, I think...

DeeMom said...

impressive picture

Misty DawnS said...

OH MY GOSH!!! This is gorgeous beyond words!!!

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful shot. love the blue.

Anita said...

Thank you!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! Just wonderful color!

Willard said...

That's a stunning, beautiful shot!

Linda said...

That is a beautiful picture. I love how vivid the colors are. Very lovely skywatch.

pts said...

perfect shot.thanks for visiting .

Carla said...

Such vivid color thanks to Mr. Sun!

Anonymous said...

very very very very

Anita said...

Actually, it was a cloudy day when I took this picture...the light was just perfect...

Anonymous said...

Oh breathtaking. Just awesome. I can't even find the words for this!

david mcmahon said...

Like a velvet trumpet. Great colours. Is that a petunia?

Anita said...

Morning Glory, actually...

kansasrose said...

Breathtaking. My favorite! The color is it is glowing from within.

Anita said...

Thanks! I have another one of this flower you'll have to see... It REALLY looks like it has a light inside... we decided it must have been a fairy... lol

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