Monday, March 3, 2008

Odd Shots Monday

Just about as odd as I can get this week...
This is the start of the new water tower to replace the one the tornado destroyed... (a family we know who were down in their basement during the tornado were almost drowned from the water that came pouring into the basement when the tower hit the ground... scary!)

Odd Shots originates at Katney's... Check it out!

Just because I like this picture, and it goes with the one above, I thought I'd include it too!

Check out my daughter's photograph at my Shadow Visitations blog... tell me what you think!


bj said...

Both pictures are fabulous...the second one, the welding one, is extra-fabulous...I love it. You sure have a knack for looking at things that would make a fantastic picture. I still say you should send in some of your shots and sell them. Or, open an Etsy shop and sell.....or on Ebay....or......see, the possibilities are endless and I just know you could make some extra money!!! You are so good at it.....

hugs, bj

Anita said...

I've been told that selling photos online is pretty hard to make any money at... but I suppose - isn't Etsy free? - that if it's free, it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

Anita said...

BTW - I love the welder, too... I don't think I've ever seen anyone welding in white jeans... lol
Wonder what kind of laundry detergent he uses to keep them white??

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow that is pretty cool, Yeh that would be scary to have one of those break
Mine is up

Paulie said...

Oh! I think your photos are just perfect for this theme!!!!!!!!

(As I teased someone before. . . the rules do say just ONE photo tho. Ü I know because I questioned it.)

I would ahae chosen the welder for today.

Anita said...

I only have one for Odd Shots... the welder is there just because he went with the Odd Shots one!
I guess because I've seen welders my whole life I didn't think it was a very odd shot... lol
If I have a picture that goes with my Odd Shot picture again, I'll just do a second post and say "Hey! This one goes with that one!" lol...

Anonymous said...

Quite nice shots and odd enough.

Dragonstar said...

That first one certainly looks odd!

Anita said...

Thank you!

Anita said...

Dragonstar - I thought so too.. the second one is only there because I like it and it goes with the Odd Shots one... lol

Daryl said...

Wonderful .. I was going to guess it was an iron tepee til I read the post .

Anita said...

Do you know what it reminded me of the minute I saw it?

That thing that lands on the beach in the opening of "I Dream of Jeannie" that major Nelson gets out of... lol

Anonymous said...

I was thinking teepee, too. It's amazing to see water towers go up because they so don't look like towers until they are nearly completed.

Katney said...

I thought of the old space capsules, too.

I'm sure making waves with the one photo rule! I really wanted to have it make us really make a choice each week. Some memes end up with a series of unrelated photos in a post--related tot he theme, but not selective. If someone posts a supportive picture once in a while, I'm not going to get excited about it. But I will try to abide myself and set a good example. ;-)

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