Friday, February 29, 2008

Both the huge, old cottonwood trees in the top picture, and every house and tree in the bottom picture were destroyed in the May 2007 tornado that destroyed 95% of our town...


Anonymous said...

Well... I have something to say: it was worth waiting for these photos.
Loved them both but the first one for me is unique.

Anita said...

Thank you!
I have always loved trees, cottonwoods especially, and the loss of all our trees was devestating to me...

Berit T said...

WoW - number two- I love it!!!

Anita said...

Storms here on the prairies, especially supercells, can be absolutely breathtaking...
I used to go out in them, to get pictures for the newspaper, but after the tornado destroyed my house aboe my head and the town I was born and raised in, I see them differently..,.

FO - 2 said...

Very different and beautiful, both of them. :)
Happy weekend!

Anne said...

WOW... what a picture the second one..., and what a story..., so sad in a way also.
Many years to let tre tree grow big, and then gone for seconds...

Nice weekend to you, from Norway.

Anita said...

Thank you!

Yes, it is a sad story... But we are rebuilding, and replanting, and are stronger for coming through this together!

Daniel J Santos said...

excellent photos but the second its fantastic.

Anita said...

Thank you!

Silly Goose said...

I really like the second photo!

Anita said...

Thanks! :)

dot said...

That is sad but I'm so glad you have the pictures.

Anita said...


Me too... :)

Tom said...

The tree shot blew me away.. it's a beauty it really is. Both are fantastic for Sky Watch

SandyCarlson said...

Sure do love those trees reaching for the sky! And the sky solo--beautiful too.

Nessa said...

That's such a shame. The trees are magnificent.

Sharon said...

wow. Beautiful pictures.

DeeMom said...

Beautiful pictures but sad so much was destroyed

Preity Angel... said...

Thanks for sharing...nice trees..I love both of them

Have a lovely weekend

Moonshadow said...

I'm here, Anita! I check your Prairie Visions often, I just don't always leave a comment. Maybe I need to...
(o o)

...I don't know if that will post right.

Love the shots. Great that you captured them while they were still there.

Anita said...

Hi moonshadow! :)
I usually know who's been here because of the stats! :)

Every shot I have of the town as it used to be is precious to me now... :)

Kim said...

I love the perspective of the first photo, and the colors in the second one are beautiful.

Anita said...

Nothing prettier than a prairie sky, even when it's angry!!

Angie said...

These are absolutely beautiful.The tornado must have been a devastating experience but it's good to know you are all working together to rebuild your community.

Anita said...

Corporations and experts from all over the world are helping us rebuild as a Green Town, and the city council made a historic ruling that all city building will be built to be LEED-certified platinum...
There are so many exciting things going on here!!

DigitalShutterMania said...

Anita, I love the second shot very much. Great post.

Unknown said...

Excellent photos!

Anita said...


Leslie: said...

Oh my gosh! What a shame! Love those cottonwoods and the perspective you got in the shot!

Anita said...

Those trees were so tall...

bj said...

Oh, those big, ole beautiful they are. Such a shame to lose them.
Was anyone killed in that horrible tornado?
Lubbock had one in 1970 that was really bad but not as much destroyed, I'm sure, as the one you had.
Both these pics are so amazing, Anita girl.

bj said...

oh, and i meant to ask....where were you and your family during this tornado? in a storm cellar, i am assuming.

Misty DawnS said...

Oh my gosh - the photos are great - but the devastation sounds horrible.

Anita said...

We lost 10 people in that tornado... Most of them people I'd known my whole life... Almost all of them people who never thought it would hit here and wouldn't go to the shelter... and paid the price...

You can read my story of the tornado in three parts at Prairie Dreams, in the archives for the month of December... I've reduced the links here, if you'd rather..
Pt. 1
pt. 2
Pt 3

Anita said...

I put links to those in the sidebar of Prairie Dreams... :)

chanpheng said...

Beautiful photos!

Petunia said...

Both picture are great, but I love the second one.

Daryl said...

Yesterday was a doozy .. and I posted my photo late.. you must have posted after I did .. sorry I didnt get here sooner.. those are just wonderful .. as all your photos are ..

kansasrose said...

Heartbreaking in the beauty of these pictures you take...I understand it my friend. The trees, the storms. Thank you. God Bless you Anita and all the residents of Greensburg...

Paulie said...

Glad you are safe and have beautiful photos for memories. Love that first photo so much!

Anita said...

Thank you!

Andree said...

OMG, I am so sorry for your tragedy. The photos, I hope, bring back happy memories of the past and not painful feelings of loss. They are beautiful. The green is wonderful. My SWF is here. Thank you.

Diane said...

I really love the tree photo Anita! The perspective is GREAT!

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